Thursday, October 22, 2015

Midterm meetings

Today we are doing individual meetings to discuss your half-way performance through the course and to ensure there are no surprises later on.  Class will start promptly at 2pm; then each student will meet with me in the back for a one on one meeting.

Students will be seen in 8-minute meetings

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Images from the Ceramic Hanging Installation slideshow

Ceramic Planters  

A. M. Martins 

Bradley Sabin 

 Brad Miller 
 Natalie Blake 

Courtney Mattison  

 Cynthia Consentino 

Jeanne Quinn 

 Paul Villinski

 Pedro Ramirez 
 Rebecca Hutchinson
 Rebecca Louise Law

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Papers are due this Thursday

The first paper is due this Thursday, the paper is a reaction to the field trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art which everyone attended.  This paper is worth 5% of your grade; and a double spaced hard copy is due at the beginning of class time on Thursday.