Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The Architectural Project

The architectural project is coming to a close, this is a reminder that we will no longer spend any class time building these structures, if anyone is behind, they need to come in during Open Studio and complete these ASAP.  For everyone else, begin working on your installation project; by now you should have some sketches and ideas prepared, if not please talk to me.  Please be prepared Thursday to switch gears a bit, we will be learning about kilns, cones, and firing temperatures at City College, and remember at the end of class to wrap up "in progress" work due to there being no class next week (Thanksgiving holiday).

Check out some of the works in progress.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

An art show to go see

Some of you might want to check this show out which just opened at Kate Werble Gallery (83 Vandam St, New York, NY 10013) The medium is plaster, not ceramic, but it might give you ideas about how to hang your installation project, and also relates to the repetition aspect of our project.  


Sunday, November 1, 2015

African Pottery Forming and Firing by Christopher D. Roy

Hello all,

We discussed briefly in class the documentary film that we will be watching, it is African Pottery Forming and Firing by Christopher D. Roy and available on youtube at https://youtu.be/52HKSwkI1hs We will be watching the film at the last class meeting before finals on December 10th.