Having a club at CCNY gives you a budget for interesting things such as visiting artists, field trips, and materials for creating art and involving the entire college community. You will also be able to sell your ceramics by setting up a table in the NAC etc. If any of you are interested here is information on how to begin.
Good afternoon all,
Thank you for your interest in starting a new club. As stated in a broadcasted email, the new club registration process will last from September 4th, 2015 until Thursday October 1st, 2015. There are several steps that the executive board officers need to complete to obtain club status on campus. They are listed as follows:
1) Two executive board officers MUST attend a mandatory club orientation to learn more about the club regulations and policies. You MUST RSVP and attend an orientation by signing up for this orientation, please fill out the form here.
2) You MUST fill out information about your club, executive board officers, and members through the form here.
3) You MUST submit a properly completed Adviser Commitment Form / SSC Card using the link here and uploading the documents by using the upload password of clubr3g15. You MUST refer to the instruction sheet attached to this email to help guide you in completing it properly. The document is attached to this email.
4) You MUST upload your Club's Constitution using the link here and uploading the document by using the upload password of clubr3g15. A model Constitution is attached to this email to help guide you in creating your own club's constitution.
All of this information is also listed in an attached Instruction Sheet.
Please note: Club executives must be registered to take classes for both the Fall 2015 and Spring 2016 semesters and undergraduate executives must have a GPA of 2.0 or higher and Graduate executives must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
If you have any questions in regards to the process, please email the Club Relations team at clubreg@ccny.cuny.edu.
Andrew Murjas

Club Registration Committee
Department of Student Life and Leadership Development
NAC 1/205B
Tel. (212) 650-7127http://tinyurl.com/ thelivecampus
New Club Registration Sheet
Club Advisor Comment
Club Website Guidelines
Model Constitution
NAC 1/205B
Tel. (212) 650-7127http://tinyurl.com/
New Club Registration Sheet
Club Advisor Comment
Club Website Guidelines
Model Constitution